To Libertad
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
To Libertad is a short fantasy, action-drama Kinetic Novel (Linear Story) developed for the YuriJam 2016 game jam.
After many years in captivity, Ada, a young slave girl, attempts to escape from her captors. She kills one of her guards and steals his gold, then desperately runs away from the slums, seeking to journey to the city of Libertad.
As she begins to run towards freedom, however, Ada's hopes are quickly dashed. A trio of slavers catch up to her, cornering her in an alleyway and threatening to put her through hell once more before killing her. Realizing herself that she has no chance of defeating them, Ada closes her eyes, surrendering herself as she braces for her final moments.
But it is not Ada who is fated to die that day.
When Ada opens her eyes, she finds her slavers on the ground, felled in a heartbeat and laying in pools of their own blood. Standing above them is a warrior; a woman brandishing a sword and shield, whose eyes show no pity for the scum she has just slain.
Without hesitation, Ada offers the woman the gold she stole, and begs her to escort Ada to Libertad.
Thus begins the journey of Ada and Martha, two women being pursued by slavers, assassins, and even monsters. Will the two make it to Libertad in one piece? And when the time comes for them to part ways, how will Ada and Martha react?
UPDATE (12-21-2016)
- Added Extras Gallery - unlocked after completing the story (unfortunately, this doesn't apply to the old version's save files - you'll have to re-read the whole story again.)
- Added Korean Translation by Kyle Heren - you can change the language at anytime through the options.
- Fixed some typos
Sendo - Artist, Programmer, Story
Zetsubou - Writer
Music and SFX - Creative Commons
Feel free to post comments and feedback below. You can also reach the developer through sendogfx@gmail.com.
We hope you enjoy the game as much as we enjoyed making it!
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Thank you for a beautiful story!
I can't properly express to you how much I love this VN
I've come back to reread it multiple times over the years for the story, the action, the music, the art, the characters, the extras... everything really! Fantastic work from your team and best wishes for the future :)
Wow, this is super well made design/story, the ending crescendo made me weep. On a this short story with archetypal caracters it's kinda impressing. I will totally have to check out your other works :o
A bit disapointed I couldn't give money without using paypal which I try to boycot :(
Hi, I just found out that my melody lightdrop was used! I'm very happy that it's on to the main screen <3
Please, consider adding "Kinetic Novel" tag (https://itch.io/games/tag-kinetic-novel)
After downloading this game long ago, I finally played it. And I must say, there were many pleasant surprises to be found! Thank you for this little gem.
The first thing that caught my attention was the exquisite-looking, modern-feeling menu. Most VNs don't bother putting any effort into it. But while playing To Libertad, I sometimes felt the need to right-click, just to be able to see the little animation when the menu fades in. This detail alone made the game feel much closer to the experience I have when playing top-notch games that come with hefty price tags. Similarly, I appreciated the text box. While most game creators in the GameJams don't think past which colour they want it to have, you opted to make it transparent - a sign of quality in a VN, in my opinion.
Our two main characters are endearing and overall well done. I would have loved to get some additional information about them.
What I personally find to be the weakest part of this VN is the writing itself (the text we read). I do not mean to call it "bad", not at all. Compared to the rest of this high-quality game, I simply noticed more things I thought could be improved. The most important issue I found was that you would sometimes break the established narrative perspective. When that happened, I as the reader was confused - I was expecting Ada to narrate everything, and mostly, she did. Without a transition, you sometimes switched to what seemed to be an omniscent narrator. I believe that those same parts could have been told from Ada's perspective without issue. That way, it could be more immersive.
I absolutely loved the artwork! Especially the backgrounds, wow. At first sight, I thought they were merely low in detail for budget reasons. But then I looked again, and boy was I wrong. Those artworks are deliberately done so that the level of detail is as low as possible. We are only meant to get an idea of what the surroundings look like, the rest is for our imagination to fill. A genius choice for the backgrounds!
Also, that portrait-like image of the slave trader in the beginning actually blew me away. That was on par with the quality of really expensive games. Beautiful art, great job!
Overall, I would have liked just a bit more of the plot to be centered on exploring the main characters and their feelings. There weren't many opportunities for them to really shine and show their colours. The fight with the ogre felt quite forced to me and didn't do much for me in terms of suspense. It could possibly be shortened or removed, giving the characters more time to show personality. Just a suggestion though, I don't mean to say that you did anything wrong.
Finally, seeing the concept art was an awesome cherry on top of this already above-average experience. More VNs should do this, thank you for sharing.
What a pleasant surprise!
This turned out to be FAR better than what I thought it could be! Especially the art, writing coming in at a close 2nd. Amazing to see what people can do in such a short time. As a Yuri lover, this VN was more than a welcome gift!
Awesome work, through and through! Thank you!
wonderful music! even short story i wish there is continuation of their story ahh!!
Wonderful music!
A really pleasant story that's being told in the perfect amount of time, being neither dragged out or feels cut-short.
The artwork is a nice mix of clear characters and mystical backgrounds.
Hope to see more like this from the team in the future!
I love this game so much. A lot of yuri visual novels I read tend to be very boring and dry but this one is a sweet romantic adventure with some good action and a natural development of romance between the characters. It;s short and I wished it was longer but I also think it ended perfectly as well. Good job :D I hope you guys do more.
Such a wonderful kinetic novel! I'm not much of a fan of kinetic novels, but this one really nailed it home to me. It bundled up all the things I love- fantasy, yuri, emotion, and combat into one short but wonderful story. I loved it lots- and I'd really recommend anyone to give it a try.
I loved the music choice, which, while the transition between each track wasn't perfect, it still helped convey the sort of emotions you were supposed to feel during each scene. It's hard to make me cry, but somehow the ending really managed to make me do so.
The art is also beautiful, and it's hard to see how such good art could be produced within the short timespan that the Yuri Jam allows for.
If these authors make any more visual novels or such with yuri content, I'd definitely want to see them. This was a wonderful eye-opening experience that I really loved, and to this day I'm still occasionally replaying certain scenes just to relive said experience.
In the end, thank you, developers of To Libertad, for making such a masterpiece! It'll be in my heart for years to come!
Martha kinda reminds me of Tokaku from Akuma No Riddle :v
but with a 6 pack of course :v
anyways, good VN
Dear authors,
I am here to thank you, really, from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful experience. Before reading, I expected myself to miss the choice options - but I understand now, I see they would have just ruined the perfection. The way things happened was just the way they must have been. Despite the length of the story, you really managed to touch me, I was on the verge of tears twice. Honestly, I'm really struggling to put my emotions into words here, but I'm no native speaker and lack the talent that's with you guys, so I'm not finding those big words. So let me just thank you again, and wish for you to have more such amazing story ideas that come to life this magnificiently. ^^
A really great VN! Probably a best free short VN a had read. Are you guys working on any other VNs? I can't seem to find much on your group, is there any place I can fallow your work?
Also since you say you appreciate a feedback I might mention one minor complained, when Ada and Martha talk after they had escaped from goblins and Martha asks Ada if she isn't interested in man everything was going in direction that Ada is interested in woman and what actually turned up to be a case really seemed out of place for me, maybe it is just because I knew it is a yurijam game so I fully expected it to be yuri so when Ada says she was interested in man it was really disappointing for me. Aside from this there might had been a few other lines that I thought ware a bit out of place like when Martha fought an ogre and says she has to slay it because if she doesn't he will continue to kill innocent bypassers seemed out of character, especially since the primary reason she was fighting ogre was to bay time for Ada to escape so I thought that something along the lines of she has to fight an ogre to buy Ada time would be more fit there, but those are mostly supper minor complaints and the only one witch was pretty disappointing was the first one. Still a great VN, I hope to see more from you.
Hey all, a team of volunteers made the translation of your novels into Russian language http://anivisual.net/stuff/3-1-0-1060
Hey, this is cool! Did you want me to add this to the official release? Feel free to talk to me through e-mail. Either way, thanks for doing this.
I talked to the author of the translation, he said "Do with it what you want, my permission is not required because all of my content originally published either under Public Domain or under CC0. Here just let Sendo takes into account that I'm certainly not going to process your script in the translation =D" if literally to write what he said.
As the credits rolled for 'To Libertad', I got this immense sense of satisfaction that I usually feel after finishing an amazing book, or film. Sure it's got some rough edges; panels dragging on for too long or music not looping properly, but the pacing was sharp and I honestly really liked the characters. Perhaps more than I expected to. Perhaps more than I should...
...Also, you did not make this in four weeks. Original music, writing and artwork this polished? I call shenanigans. And if not, what the heck am I doing here? I need to get out there, see the world, make things! But in the mean time, the best of luck to your future work.
I believe the art was done in 4 weeks, though some may have been polished or added post-release (since it's up to version 1.11).
The writing was more like 1 week, IIRC. Not sure how long the translation took.
Music was creative commons (at least originally, might have been replaced), so who knows when that was done or how long it took.
So yeah, mostly done within 4 weeks. Sendo worked tirelessly on this one, and I think it really shows.
Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it and I'm definitely taking notes on everyone's feedback, so thanks for those :)
As Zetsubou said, the music used were Creative Commons so I simply picked out songs that matched the scenes.
I added some illustrations I did outside the jam in the Extras section, specifically in the MISC gallery. But aside from those, everything in the actual story (art, writing, programming) were done during the jam. I do have experience making games and participating in game jams so that really helped me manage everything. And well, Zetsubou blasted through the script so I had to up my game as well.
But really, I was pretty much just working on it day and night. It was a fulfilling experience and I wouldn't have it any other way!
That was beautiful and heartwarming and wonderful. Thank you. I don't know how I overlooked this on my first pass over the list of games in the jam, but I'm glad I found it.
I really enjoy yuri games with these kinds of... carefree but serious low fantasy? settings, and seeing stories like this from perspectives other than the obvious RPG heroine's is nice. I don't even mind that a quarter of the game is probably Martha sharing her perspective on the daily realities of adventuring, because it was interesting.
I think criticizing it based on its length or linearity would be really a bit unfair. It was as long as it needed to be to tell the story it was trying to tell. It didn't drag on (though I'm sure I would have still enjoyed it a lot if it was twice the length), and it didn't feel like it was rushing too fast.
I'm fine with it being a kinetic novel, too - it means I don't have to feel regret over choices not made, and within the scope of this story, I don't think anything I could have chosen to do would have made the ending any more perfect.
An epilogue about what they did next might have been nice... but honestly, that was such a perfect note to end on, I can't really complain too much...
There was one point when I felt the music choice was slightly strange: the cheerful market music carries on while Ada's talking about not even knowing her age. Admittedly, changing it might break the flow of the scene... The music otherwise fits pretty perfectly.
I'm going to be following you, because I really want to see what else you make, if it's anything like this. I hope to see many more yuri games from you in the future.
Note: Video above is part one of a three-part miniseries.
Coming off of Mystic Messenger, I've been itching to do another visual novel. I decided to take a chance on To Libertad, and I'm thankful I did.
The graphics are very well done, from the art style to the animations. The music choices were great, although going from intense rock to fantasy market strings within a few minutes was a bit odd. The story's short & a bit cheesy at the end, yet it does its job very well without going overboard. It paces itself appropriately and has the right amount of tension when needed.
In closing, I rather enjoyed this. Really looking forward to seeing future games from Studio Camelot!
Very very nice game dude :) I rally enjoyed it ,very nice story and characters
i did not have time to play it in 1 sitting,so i recorded in 4 parts
Here is the video if any one want to see it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbDOjQ0tD6g&list=PLnJ_haxoqX4q_z3g5QyDs8p1MAHYsQhBt
I loved this VN!! It's so good I feel like tearing up a little now that it's over. :( More yuri VNs should be like this! The story didn't skip away a budding romance between two women, and the fact that Martha was such a non-girly bad*ss was a huge plus. Take notes ya'll!
Also, thanks for making this!
Rating this 4 stars, as it's too short. I know it's not fair and probably deserves more, but it's a kinetic VN which I don't like, and so much more could be done with the awesome art, music, character and story-telling (all of which I really, really enjoyed) >.<
I guess it will be for a next time. I'll keep waiting and watching (following) till then.
MOAR please, and thank you very much!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it even if Kinetic Novels aren't your thing. ^_^
I definitely plan to do longer projects that has choices, so please stay tuned for that.
Hello! I wonder how to contact developer by email? :)
Hi, please ignore the previous poster. Feel free to send feedback or any concerns to sendogfx@gmail.com.
Sexuality isn't that simple, I used to think I'm straight but after a bunch of years turns out I'm a lesbian.
Sexuality can change.
It is that simple. If people could in any way change sexuality then back in the days when gay people will persecuted, no one would have ever been gay. Also there is no way I would have been gay. People can have pretty strong ideas about what they think they are. I realised that mine was false the whole time.
You're completely misunderstanding me. I didn't just stop being straight at some point because I decided. I just learned afterwards that I was a lesbian. It was not my choice, it just happened. People can also have pretty strong ideas about what they think, I hope you can learn that yours is false in this too.
I know many people that have had their sexual orientation their entire lives and I have never heard of anyone's changing. Since there is no proof for either case it seems we have to agree to disagree. - I'm also going to delete the original post soon because i don't want to turn this game page into an argument.
Oh I see. It looks like you were the one misunderstanding me the whole time. My opening statement was how the game made it seem the girl was MADE to change. I was never talking about changing without cause.
Oh my gosh... Sorry let me start again. OH MY GOSH!!!!! I just played this game today and I have so many emotions right now. The whole journey was like a roller-coaster of emotions. The game was so well put together. The music, script, art....wow. Just wow. I don't remember the last time I had so many feelings after playing something, last time I THAT much enjoyed the visual novel. You touched two pretty serious topics like slavery and women rape, but they were so carefully and accurate shown and talked about. ALSO I have a problem with yuri games sometimes, cause the romance in them seems often too silly and unnatural. But YOU showed the relationships between those two women SO WELL. Like I SAW feelings there and I don't need anything else. Their story is finished. You avoided all those "I blush from how beautiful she looks", "I feel butterflies in my tummy every time she smiles" cliches. And you even avoided "kiss of true love at the end" that I think almost all the games have xD I liked that this game was so intense sometimes, it wasn't fully animated but I had a feeling few times that I'm seriously watching some movie, cause I got so into all of this. You know, I got so used to some "rules" of most yuri games that at the end for a moment I even thought that there won't be any GxG moments at all. And I would be okay with it even if you just leave them as being friends with possible something else more in near future ^^ BUT the ending, the beautiful ending ah......nice)) This game is a nice story of how someone can find you at some dark moment in your life and help you see the light. And in return you might also help someone learn something in return)) This game gives hope. And just you know, thanks for making it. And good luck with future projects ^_^ ps also just a suggestion, I think it would be wise to put "yuri" or "lgbt" in tags, so it would be easier to find the game for those who might be interested :)
Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm glad that the story made an impact to you. I can't take all the credit though, half of it is Zetsubou's amazing work on the script ^_^
I went ahead and updated the tags, thanks for the suggestion! :)
Oh, you're welcome, you're welcome ^_^
And it surely did))) Haha, well you can have part of the credits xD Anyway, you both made an incredible job with this game, thanks :))
And no problems))) I see it already began to crawl high in popularity)) Nice job))